Saturday, April 02, 2005

Tyler Arboretum 10K

Gotta admit I am a pretty lucky guy. Today has seen heavy rains but when the Tyler Arboretum began it ended and we got the whole race in withour a downpour. Of course the trail was often a quagmire but that is part of the fun of trail runs.

I am pretty sure the weather cut down on the turn out because the field seemed thin. Well those who wimped out missed a fun event. Normally, I tried to keep my
feet dry but today that wasn't an issue since they were wet from the get go. No hesitation or rock hopping at the first stream crossing, I just plunged ahead. (Although I was startled by how deep the rains have made this normally tranquil stream.)

I have become quite familiar with the course from my Friday runs so about 80% of the course was home court. I wasn't fast but rock steady and ran up all the hills.

After the race a couple of runners told me that they had almost been knock over by a couple of deer but by the time I came by they were long gone.

One of the runners and one of the volunteers had done the Hat Run so we got to compare notes.

Isn't great that we get to run thru the woods, jump in puddles and get covered with mud.

P.S. I wrote about my missing Baltimore Marathon
shirt to the Hat Run race director and he sent me a
found Baltimore Marathon shirt - unfortunately it
wasn't mine. I mean what are the chances????

P.P.S. No t-shirt at today's race - they gave wool caps - this one I hung onto. The winners' medals were cool - blocks of carved wood.

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