Friday, August 29, 2003

Labor Day

It’s summer’s end. Astronomically, summer ends in three weeks with the autumnal equinox but every one knows that summer really ends with Labor Day. Perhaps it was because it was already on my mind but the woods seemed ready for summer’s end. Although there were deer and rabbits about, the woods were quiet and the growth had that tired end of season feel. Already, although it’s still warm, leaves are changing and dropping.

We had a Haverford Township Day meeting tonight. Good meeting. The tension picks up a bit as we get closer. Every year Labor Day seems to jump on us and suddenly it’s obvious that we (ok I) don’t have enough done. In July and even August it seemed so far away and now it’s on us. But an event like this does seem to happen all on its own. Would be easier though if I still worked in town.

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